
Research on Genius Tour

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Last update of the page : May, the 12th, 2024

GENIUS TOUR is a databasis that discovers for you museums, parks & other locations that help to understand sciences, technologies and industries whilst having fun.

GENIUS TOUR is specially made to give you an easy to use tool and a quick way to find goods such places. GENIUS TOUR is using its own internal search engine to help you the best.

Several hundreds of locations spread in France for most of them are described in original papers that are written to go easily and fast to the information you are looking for: GENIUS TOUR is not one of this numerous copy & paste that we can find everywhere in internet. It hence contributes to give you the new information that you are looking for.

Museums, parks, aquariums and other locations that you can find here are simply chosen because they have a part in the understanding of all this things that are all around us and because they merge these discoveries with fun.

This is why you will be able to find museums and parks that are dedicated to the scientific discoveries.
You won't find neither resort parks where this spirit does not fit to our selection criteria, nor prestigious museums that show only artistical master pieces.

GENIUS TOUR keeps the information up to date and gives the maximum of details in access plans and directions to find your center of interest.

We wish you an excellent surf and great discoveries !


To contact the webmaster, you can post your question at contact @ geniustour.com (take off spaces).

To become pilot: Nicolas Tenoux gives us keys!

Hello Nicolas Tenoux,

GT: First of all, thank you for being kind enough to answer our questions for our readers.
How long have you been a pilot?
NT: My first flight in my logbook dates back to March 1998, the year I turned 15! I started taking flying lessons very early. I was certified as a Private Pilot (PPL/A) in July 2002, just after the Baccalaureate. Regarding the professional part, I have been a commercial pilot (CPL/A) since September 2011 and a full airline pilot (ATPL/A) since January 2017.

GT: What studies did you follow to realize your passion?
NT: After a Scientific Baccalaureate and obtaining a DEUG STPI, I studied aeronautics engineering at IPSA (Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Sciences) and ENAC (National Aviation School civil). At the end I worked for a year as Quality Manager at Dassault Falcon Service. In September 2009 I joined the CAE Sabena Flight Academy flight school in Brussels. I graduated in October 2011. Subsequently, during my career as a pilot, I completed my training by obtaining an Executive Master of Science in innovation and entrepreneurship at HEC Paris.

GT: Are there other possible ways to achieve this goal?
NT: Yes of course. It is customary to say that there are as many courses as there are pilots in the cockpits. It is a source of wealth. In fact there are four possible routes to becoming an Airline Pilot: the Air France Cadet route, the EPL ENAC route, the private school route and the military route with subsequent retraining.

GT: Can someone who has glasses become a pilot?
NT: For a civilian pilot, yes it has been authorized since the first European medical standards in 1999. You must always have a pair of emergency glasses within reach in the cockpit.

GT: What is the reason for this belief that those who do not have perfect eyesight cannot achieve this Holy Grail, the profession of pilot?
NT: Eyesight must actually be very good, but corrective lenses are allowed. The complete medical standards are detailed in the EASA Part MED regulation.

GT: Why did you want to become a pilot?
NT: It must be genetic, my paternal grandfather was an aviation enthusiast who spent his entire career at Dassault Aviation. More seriously, many things attracted me to this job: flying (access to the third dimension), piloting a complex machine, teamwork, diversity, traveling and discovering new horizons.

GT: What types of aircraft have you flown and currently fly?
NT: Today I fly Airbus A320s. In the past I have flown Cessna Citation Jets and Boeing 787s.

GT: You have several activities around your passion for aviation. What are they, and why do you have these activities?
NT: Apart from my activity as a Pilot, my second major activity is Director of Development for Jet Solidaire. Jet Solidaire is a social enterprise that rents business planes and helicopters. It offers its customers the opportunity to choose the least polluting devices, to offset their CO2 emissions and to freely associate with projects that help the most vulnerable. Jet Solidaire also organizes solidarity flights to encourage the social reintegration of people with difficult life paths. Also, I carry out consultant and coach activities.

GT: Let’s talk a little about your YouTube channel (accessible by clicking here). You have great videos. What are your goals with this channel?
NT: My objective is not at all quantitative but qualitative. My wish is to help young people who want to access careers in air and space. Airline pilot of course but not only: Aeronautical engineer, Fighter pilot, Astronaut, Technician, Stewardess, Steward, etc. A young person who watches my channel should be able to find a first direction towards an educational orientation.

GT: Thank you very much for your time and for your answers. Have a nice flight Nicolas!
NT: Thank you for your interest in my journey. Do not hesitate to consult my website, my YouTube channel or my book (available here on Amazon) for more information.
Site Relatif : https://nicolastenoux.com/