
Research on Genius Tour

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Swam of meteorites: the Leonides

Domaine(s) : Astronomy
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech


From the 6th to the 30th of November (maximum of intensity on the 17th)

This swarm of fast meteorites (71km/h) is the most provided in the year: in 1966 it was recorded more than 100 000 shooting stars per hour!
More often, the maximum is, depending of the years, around 1000 to 2000, which is still quite a lot.

Equatorial Coordinates:
lambda: 235.27
alpha: 152°
delta: +22°


This swarm can be seen during all November. Disclaimer : The management team of the destination has the possibility to change the opening days and hours without prior communication.


To better see and photograph the shooting stars, it is preferable to move away from light sources.
Move a few tens of kilometers from Paris for example can be very interesting.

At last, ndon't forget it's cold outside, especially when you do not move to look at the sky! Prepare warm clothes.

The Leonids are visible in the constellation of Leo, of course.

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