The zoo park of Cerza has more than 300 animals spread over 50 species in an area of 60 hectares at least.
Some areas are huge such as the African reserve which is 6 hectares wide. You will also appreciate the covered space with tropical crocodiles, on the theme of evolution in a closed space of over 600 m² wide.
The zoo shows some endangered species such as the emblematic white tigers.
Amongst the many species that you will come across are: - Tigers of Sumatra, - Maned wolves, iberian ones and wolves of Alaska, - Bush pigs, - Lemurs, - Pygmy hippos, - Panthers, - Lions, - Bezel bears and brown ones, - The tropical greenhouse and the greenhouse for parrots , - White tigers, - Cheetahs, - Bisons and the Apaloosas, - Ouanderou macaques, ...
Allow half a day to enjoy the zoo. You might spend in the following areas: - Tropical area: count about 30 minutes of visit - The Red Course: 1 hour, - The yellow course: 1 hour 30 minutes, - The 3D cine: 12 minutes, - The safari train: 25 minutes.
Outdoor pets are prohibited in the park: only guide dogs are allowed.
The zoo is heavily involved in the preservation of endangered species and actively participates in EBP, the European Breeding Programs. That is why wide open spaces are set up to help the animals retaining their natural behaviors and to make more easily their breeding.
Founded in 1986 by two brothers, Patrick and Thierry Jardin, the zoo is registered as a strong player in a numerous protection programs, such as EAZA (Association of European zoos), the WAZA (World Association of Zoos) and the ANPZ (National Association of French Zoos).
The paths are easily accessible to strollers and hence potentially to disable persons.
D143, 14100 Hermival les Vaux
The Park of Cerza is located close to Lisieux. From lisieux, take the rue de Paris to the North-Est direction to Hermival-les-Vaux. At the highway North-Est take immediately the road D510 still toward Hermival-les-Vaux (on 3 km about). Go throuth the crossroad with the D262 and continue on the D510 (on 2 km about) until the D143 to your right, and the park is located at less than 2 km.